Melissa Zollo Rating
★★★★★ - 5 Stars
"Ms Zollo clearly knows and communicates the Laws of Self-Healing. We concur on the patient’s responsibility to take an active role in their own healing process."
– Bernie Siegal, MD - Author of New York Times best-selling book Love, Medicine and Miracles
"…A departure from the usual flood of self-help motivational leaders, one comes away from Zollo’s presentation uplifted by a sense of self-discovery and a clear vision and appreciation for what is possible."
– Professor Deborah Nightingale - Dept. of Aeronautics and Engineering • Systems Division Director, Lean Aerospace Initiative, MIT Boston, MA
"Melissa Zollo is a passionate and inspired speaker whose master of certain Universal Principles, available to all of us, allowed her to overcome her own adversity and serve as a beacon of light for others. Her understanding and sharing of herself is indicative of years of self-reflection. This clearly makes her an invaluable resource and master teacher. Her sharing of these truths is accessible and moving."
– Kamau Kokayi - Medical Director, Olive Leaf Wholeness Center - Host of Global Medicine Review Radio Show, Manhattan, NY
"My career in sales is a very challenging one. My year end production was up 81% since using the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program and having consultations with Melissa Zollo."
– George Stills - AXA Financial, Fortune 500 company, New York City, NY
"I first heard Melissa Zollo speak at the Hilton Hotel in New York City. Since then, I've taken several teleseminars and learned about The Imaginal Dynamic and the Power of Imagination. I was skeptical to say the least. Then it happened -- my family was challenged. At the age of 61, my mother became very ill. She was diagnosed withParkinsons's, Dimentia, Alzheiner's, and severe depression. In one year she was hospitalized three times, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. The top hospitals in New York City could not help her. The doctors gave up on my mother and my family. We were told to accept her condition, and place her in a home. We did not know where or who else to turn to. Something within me made me contact Ms. Zollo for a consultation. Melissa Zollo was the only person who saw the light at the end of the tunnel. My consultation led to a consult between Melissa and my mother. What's amazing about this is that my mother had lost the desire to speak. However, that did not distract Melissa's focus or belief in the imaging process and so my family agreed. When the consult was over, Melissa simply said, the image is in, now focus on the result and live as if the impossible was made possible in your life. I wanted to know how it would happen but Melissa explained that it wasn't my job to determine the ways and the means. Within 4 months my mother began to improve. Her desire to speak came back. She lost weight. She had a limited memory of being ill. Now exactly one year later, I am thrilled to say that my mother is currently enjoying her grandchildren and traveling the world. Melissa Zollo taught me how to rise above a medical diagnosis, trust an image, keep going in the face of adversity, and believe in the healer within and most of all myself. To create the life you want, I highly recommend Melissa Zollo and the Present Memory programs. If you follow her instructions you will live your dream."
– Marisa Rizzo - Mother/Accountant, Staten Island, NY
"Melissa Zollo shows you how to rule your world and no longer be its slave. Her work is potent.”
– Margaret Ruth Broome - Author of The Invisible You, editor of Neville Goddard’s Immortal Man
To read more powerful stories about how Melissa has changed people’s lives, go to the testimonial pages for her individual services: