MetaSonic Resonance
Read what people are saying about their experiences of Metasonic Resonance with Melissa.
★★★★★ - 5 Star Rating
Last week our beloved cat Lulu suddenly became very ill. We were very focused on trying to figure out how to help her. We had gone to the vet for extensive tests and nothing definitive had shown up but she was suffering intensely and we didn't know what to do. All my attention was on Lulu.
Then somehow my body manifested an emergency. During the evening I began experiencing pain and cramps on the lower right side of my belly. It got progressively worse throughout the night until I was holding back screams.
At six in the morning we went to the ER. The doctors and nurses made me comfortable and said that by the pain description, it was most likely appendicitis or a kidney stone. They gave me a cat scan which revealed a large size kidney stone- - they said it was a "point 6" which was large compared to most which are size .2 or .3.
I have never had any experience of kidney stones. They administered morphine for the pain and liquids through an IV.
In my half conscious state, I called Melissa.
In her firm way, Melissa went right into healing mode. She started working on the Spiritual Plane and began to give directions. I can barely remember what she said and I wish I could recall every detail.
All I know is that Melissa began by focusing my attention onto my breathing. In her strong focused voice she told me that I was breathing in LIFEFORCE VITALITY and that with each exhale I was releasing all worry and fears.
My thoughts wanted to cling to my suffering cat, but Melissa snapped me out of that script.
Melissa explained that I was generating the vibration of fear of loss, worry, sadness. In other words, my feelings of worry and care about my pet were actually making everything worse and had brought me to the ER!
As I began focusing on Life Force Vitality, Melissa was clearing discordant energy, interferences and blocks from my energetic fields that had lowered my level of consciousness. Melissa began to imprint a healing breakthrough into my consciousness.
She worked to reconnect me with the powerful Life Force within and focused my attention onto my own vibrant, splendid health vision, that is, a mental image. Melissa guided me into a process of self forgiveness. Suddenly I found myself apologizing to my heart for letting fears and doubts creep in and I began to move myself into the moment.
In seconds I felt stronger and began to work with her focusing my attention onto feeling the positive, forward-motion of vibrant health flowing in and out of every cell in my body.
Although I can't recall all of the details, she worked with the doctors from a spiritual perspective, telling me that they would be guided to the right outcome. She then put a shield of protection around me before closing the session.
Then it happened.
Within a short time after that emergency healing session, I was released and sent home. I was told that the stone should pass in anywhere from a few hours to several days, and if it didn't pass, to come back in for a procedure.
I was given a prescription for pain meds - Percoset - and headed home. The whole medical drama miraculously shifted. I was completely better by the time I left the ER.
I never opened the bottle of pain killers because my ordeal was actually over. "Somehow" my body passed that big stone without a trace, a twinge or a tremble.
I have been researching kidney stones and trying to learn what other peoples' experiences have been like. Do big kidney stones just disappear without a trace?
Well, mine did.
I feel sure that Melissa is a gifted Spiritual Mind Practitioner. She interceded on my behalf and helped energize and focus my spirit to rise to the occasion for my own body's healing.
I also believe that lifting my toxic 'blanket' of worry and fear of loss helped me provide a positive environment for our pet to spend quality time with us. Our cat Lulu definitely rallied a little bit before she crossed over to Kitty Heaven a few nights later.
We are so grateful to Melissa for what felt like a true miracle.
— E.E. Z. - Educator - New York, New York
"Dear Melissa,
I am very moved by our session yesterday. What a ray of spirit sunshine has hit me! The connecting to your healing touch and vocal and sound cues touched my soul like "AN ON SWITCH!" (my phrase is just a trim of yours: YOUR ENERGY ON SWITCH! I think it says it all!)
The delicate yet laser clear connection to present time joyous energy was a mystery and an 'illusive butterfly' but my body and soul have now experienced that 'now' in a deeper way, so my faith to going there, being there, and living on that plane, is reinforced and strengthened!
I felt a true connection to my soul's journey over lives, over time.
A deep healing of my 'wounded story' is taking place, but not by obeisance to my story because that would only strengthen its negative power, instead: by focussing on the present time JOY VIBRATION that nourishes this miraculous organism that I have been entrusted to grow and care for: MY BODY.
With love and forgiveness, my body and emotional habits, transform into present day, forward vibrational flow that joins the boundless power of our positive Spirit Universal Energy.
Thank you, Melissa
Enraptured with love and gratitude for a glimpse of vast and awesome vistas that include my Soul's own journey."
– E.Z. - Author, NYC, NY
"Melissa Zollo speaks from knowledge gained through experience! Melissa was born to teach. Her ability to help; to encourage; to stimulate reaches out to those who hear her words. She is a powerful speaker with a powerful message everyone should hear. Melissa shows you how to rule your world and no longer be its slave. Take time to practice and apply what she shares and you too will know that imagining creates reality."
– Margaret Ruth Broome - Editor of Neville Goddards Book Immortal You and Author of "The Invisible You"
“I was skeptical to say the least. Then it happened -- my family was challenged. At the age of 61, my mother became very ill. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and severe depression. In one year she was hospitalized three times, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at a time. The top hospitals in New York City could not help her. The doctors gave up on my mother and my family. We were told to accept her condition and place her in a home. We did not know where or who else to turn to. Something within me made me contact Ms. Zollo for a consultation. Melissa Zollo was the only person who saw the light at the end of the tunnel. My consultation led to a consult between Melissa and my mother. What's amazing about this is that my mother had lost the desire to speak. However, that did not distract Melissa's focus or belief in the imaging process and so my family agreed. When the consult was over, Melissa simply said, the image is in, now focus on the result and live as if the impossible was made possible in your life. I wanted to know how it would happen but Melissa explained that it wasn't my job to determine the ways and the means. Within 4 months my mother began to improve. Her desire to speak came back. She lost weight. She had a limited memory of being ill. Now exactly one year later, I am thrilled to say that my mother is currently enjoying her grandchildren and traveling the world. Melissa Zollo taught me how to rise above a medical diagnosis, trust an image, keep going in the face of adversity, and believe in the Healer Within and most of all myself. To create the life you want, I highly recommend Melissa Zollo. If you follow her instructions you will live your dream.”
– Marisa R, Daughter, Mother/Accountant, Staten Island, NY
"Three years ago my son decided he needed to separate from our family. It was a harsh surprise and very difficult, to say the least, for our whole family, since we were so very close. The anguish I felt in not knowing where he was, or how he was doing was almost unbearable. This past year I was introduced to the wonderful work of Melissa Zollo and the whole concept of creative imaging and blueprinting the Inner You. After attending a powerful seminar with Melissa in NYC I realized that I needed to change my own negative thought patterns and overcome my doubts and fears so I began to use her audio program, Discover the Power of Imagination, I began to "believe and feel" that my son would return in his time. I then began to make concrete changes in my own life.
I am now happy to say that my son contacted me and we have reconnected!!! I now know from personal experience that pain and sorrow can be replaced with happiness if one knows how to make the impossible possible. Melissa's work directly helped me achieve this healing and I am very grateful.
This experience has had such a deep effect on me that I am willing to speak to any parent who is dealing with a similar crisis/situation about Melissa Zollo's work. I believe in it so much."
– Susan L - Licenced Physical Therapist Assistant, LPTA - Lynchburg, Virginia
“I attended an extraordinary seminar called "How to Awaken the Healer Within". Every sentence of this presentation was filled with knowledge that when applied to one’s life, would transform and revitalize one's being from disease and lack, to health and abundance! The presenter of this seminar, Melissa Zollo, is a dynamic, powerful teacher that literally captivates an audience.”
– Dr. Frank Parisi - Monroeville, PA
"It's not often that you meet an artist so clearheaded as to be able to persevere and grow while keeping her convictions and vision. Having worked with Melissa Zollo for many years, I've watched her realize her vision of bringing a new perspective on success and well-being to others, in order that they may grow themselves. And yet she maintains the vigor and clarity behind that vision despite all the trials and difficulties in realizing it. Melissa is the real thing. I strongly recommend that you take the opportunity to see her live in a seminar format and work with her CD's."
- Al Houghton - Producer /Owner Dubway Recording Studios NYC
"I came to Melissa at a very difficult time in my life. My new marriage was ending and my world was shattering fast. I didn't know how to put the pieces back together. Once a week, Melissa and I would work. I imagined being in a happy marriage and my husband totally in love with me. 3 times a day I systematically repeated all the positive imagery I set up for myself. I must admit that at first I felt kind of silly doing this: but as time passed, things started to happen. My life was taking on new meaning and I was enjoying it again. Needless to say, I am very happy now and married to a wonderful man, my soul mate. I have so much to thank Melissa for, especially for creating the Discover the Power of Imagination audio program. My life has come together and I am forever grateful to her.
If you feel that life has dealt you a bad hand turn it around by contacting Melissa. You will be amazed at the results."
– Forever Grateful,
Camille F. - Office Manager, Weeden & Co. L.P. - Connecticut
"Melissa Zollo inspires people to tackle some of their most challenging issues – food, relationships, finance, success, and family. Equally important, she gives them practical tools, such as Discover the Power of Imagination and How to Unleash the Power Within CD programs, to bring about the lasting changes they envision for themselves. I have seen the power of Melissa's approach achieve results both in my own work as an acupuncturist and in the lives of several of my patients who also work with Ms. Zollo."
– Merry Gerard - Governing Board Chairperson Academy of Five Element Acupuncture - Hallandale, Florida - Licensed Acupuncturist, MA
"I recently attended a great seminar by Melissa Zollo on "Spiritual Nutrition." I have been using Melissa's Discover the Power of Imagination audio program to hold a health image for myself after being challenged by a diagnosis of cancer this year. Two days after Melissa's seminar, I received joyous news! My biopsy report came back and it was negative...the cancer is gone! I know the daily use of Melissa's audio program was a major factor in my healing. They helped me keep a positive attitude as well as a determination to heal."
– Patrick C., Business Development Consultant, MA
"I am a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and a board certified expert in traumatic stress. My foundation is social work, therefore I believe in using every means available to help my patients and myself. I have recently had the good fortune of hearing the Discover the Power of Imagination program. This program has brought me to new heights, accompanied by profound feelings of joy. What I feel is that I have recreated myself, as a 'Golden Temple,' a vision I had while listening to them. My creativity has soared.
Thank you, thank you!"
– Judy G. CSW, BCETS - New York, NY
“It was a pleasure to have Melissa Zollo as the speaker at the Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy. Her enthusiasm, insight, skillfulness, wisdom and caring were deeply appreciated by me and the large group that attended.”
– Kenneth P, M.D., President, Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy - New York City, New York
"I'm a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City and Westchester. I specialize in depression, anxiety, substance abuse, stress management, and workplace and family issues. I have been using Melissa Zollo’s work both personally and professionally. Her Discover the Power of Imagination program assists me in tapping into personal resources that enhance the growth process. They are natural mood enhancer's. They are powerful tools for self empowerment and I am grateful for having discovered them. Using the program on a daily basis has enriched my professional and personal life!"
– Patricia P, C.S.W. - New York City, NY
“Over the past two decades I have read dozens of spiritual books, attended many self-improvement seminars, and worked with a few visualization programs. While these books, seminars and programs have been influential, none of them have had the transformative power that Melissa Zollo and her program have had on my life. As a result of working with her I have had deep spiritual insights that have motivated me to change my life patterns. I am consciously living in a more joyous state than ever before. Before I could only read about other peoples profound spiritual awakenings, wondering how I could attain such peace and harmony, wondering if it were possible for me. Today, after only three months, I am living in a state of joy. And the beauty of it is that it is just you … you. There is no guru to follow, no leader, no idealized super person whom you have to pattern yourself after. Just believe in yourself and you will change your life.”
– Donna R. College Professor - New York City
"I spent 13 years in therapy trying to figure out how to stop my suffering. I even switched therapists hoping that the next recommended therapist would provide me with tools that the first few perhaps did not know. I had a very good understanding about my history and why I felt so angry and betrayed, but I had no direction how to move on. Through Melissa’s work I realized that during many years of therapy I had repeated many negative thoughts and feelings which perpetuated my suffering and made a decision to stop seeing a therapist and start creating happiness. I immediately learned from listening to her that I had the power to let go of my anger and create a life of joy. It all made sense, what we vibrate we attract, like creates like, so I practiced to feel and see joy. Today my life is filled with joy! My relationships with family and friends are fun and loving."
– Kunic H. - Case Worker for Department of Revenue, MA
"I am happy to announce that I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy in August, and want to thank Melissa Zollo for helping to make this delivery a wonderful, successful experience. I have been fearful of doctors, blood, and needles for as far back as I can remember. I therefore dreaded the day I would have to give birth. After hearing Melissa Zollo speak at the Hilton Hotel, I participated in her teleseminars. When my delivery date drew near I did a private consultation with her.I was immediately able to re-direct my focus, and concentrate on my sons arrival -- not the pain of child birth. I highly recommend Melissa Zollo's audio programs, teleseminars, and most of all her consultations to expectant mothers and anyone who has to deal with hospitals, doctors and healing. They really work."
– Natalie S. - Accountant, New York